Friday, December 17, 2010


Last night I couldn't sleep so I found a pen and some paper and decided to write my loving husband a letter to let him know how much a love him. While doing this I realized I should be doing things like this more to let him know how much he is appreciated. Long story kind of short, I made a list of goals I want to accomplish daily. Here they are:

1. Stick to a devotion time as a family. Some days it will be Logan and I in the morning having devotions, sometimes nightly as a family, sometimes just prayertime. I would love to have it be together as a family, with prayer, songs and bible reading.

2. Get up earlier to have more time to read my Bible.

3. Stick to my " 6 things to do list" and dont get stressed out if I don't accomplish more than those in a day.

4. Exercise atleast 1/2 hr. every day.

5. Drink LOTS of water every day no excuses! ( it gets very dry here and its starting to show in my skin.)

6. Take my vitamins daily.

7.Bless husband daily. Whether it be a letter of appreciation, his favorite meal, a back rub, a lending ear...

8.Speak softer and kinder.

10.Stick to a routine as much as possible.

11. Logan baby schooling every morning.

I know I will fail some days but I pray I will be able to follow this as much as possible

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