Saturday, January 19, 2013

Good For You Water

I know your probably thinking "wait isn't all water good for you? what do you mean "Good for you water?" Well, this water is extra good for you. :) Infused with Cucumber, Lemon and Mint this drink is an- aging fighter, vitamin- C filled, energy giving, skin clearing, wonderfully delicious hydrating drink.
Replacing soda or juice with this Cucumber, Lemon and Mint water will give you over 150 less calories which helps you lose weight quicker, but it also includes vitamin C (which  protect against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling), vitamin K (to keep your bones strong), vitamin A (which is key for good vision, a healthy immune system, and cell growth), potassium (which can lower cholesterol and reduce high blood pressure) iron (which mainly includes carrying life-giving oxygen to human blood cells) calcium(encourages bone growth) and more!

It is such a light, refreshing drink. I drank around 4 cups of it yesterday and felt great!
(Plus it reminded me of summer...)

Cucumber, Lemon and Mint Water (aka: Summer in a glass)

1 medium cucumber
1-2 lemons sliced
about 10 mint leaves
2 liters of Water

Mix around in water then let sit for a few hours/ or overnight.


  1. This sounds delicious!!! Do you just put it in a normal pitcher or use one of those infused things?

  2. it is SO yummy :) I actually lost 1 inch in my waist in 1 day drinking about 4-7 glasses!! no joke! I just used a regular pitcher to mix it in

  3. Definitely going to try this after I go shopping this week.
