Wednesday, January 16, 2013

First Episode Of "In The Kitchen"!!

It's finished and uploaded! yay so excited :) Here is the video, hope you like it!
Please remember to "thumbs up" the video and subscribe to the channel, thanks!


  1. Looking forward to your next video. :)

  2. Cute video and I love your little one "stealing" a cookie at the end. :) Also, it is engaging to see a face every once in awhile in videos so if you can pan up for a moment when you are speaking sometimes that would be nice.

  3. thanks :) and he is always trying to sneak cookies haha I am camera shy so we decided to do this more tutorial style but for the next one I might face my fear and film it more cooking show style :)

  4. Your video looks great! I seriously need to get an intro for my channel.

    I found you via Raising Homemakers, I'd love it if you'd link up with us for Favorite Post Friday at ; )

  5. Thank you! The intro and filming of the video is all thanks to my wonderful, talented Hubs :)
    I would love to link up :) I have found so many other Christian ladies blogs through link ups.

  6. Thank you for sharing your recipe video at Thrifty Thursday! I love that you are brave enough to do this for us :)
